Personalized Solutions for Your Legal Problems
State College Oil and Gas Lawyer

Owning any type of mineral or property right in Pennsylvania can be a valuable and marketable asset. At the Nittany Group, we have an extensive knowledge on how to protect these rights when interacting with an oil or natural gas company. Here, we protect our client’s rights by offering an array of services for almost any need. The Nittany Group can assist you in your legal matters, including:
- Lease Readings
- Title Searches
- Lease Negotiation
- Pipeline Negotiation
- Seismic Permits
- Title Litigation
- Income Planning (Trust for Natural Gas Rights)
- Certified Title Opinions
- Curatives (including Quiet Title Actions)
- Dormant Oil & Gas Act
- Purchase Agreements
If you have any further questions please check out: Frequently Asked Oil & Gas Questions